Photonic Brain *
PHOTONIC HUMAN SITE: Matter is different frequencies of "frozen light," codified in the EM spectrum. Matter resonates with sound and forms patterns. All matter is a complex field phenomena. The basis of wave theory is a complex form of energetic matter. Living forms of energy are standing waves rather than "solid objects." Mass/particles are actually dynamic processes. Mass attracts photon flux from the vacuum. Our biophysics is bioelectronic and electrochemical as well as quantum. Our DNA expresses and directs matter through quantum bioholography, using sound and light. We are composed of, feed on and emit light. Our body uses light to coordinate its processes. We are a flow of light...a virtual photon geyser.
Life is Light
Brain Holograms
Signal Cascade
Pulse Dynamics
Hypothesis: There are photoreceptors deep in the brain, which circulate signals to other parts of the body. We are spectral photonic beings with laser, fiber optic, bioluminescent, optical imaging and tuning capacities. Energetic medicine techniques employ photons, electrons, protons, waveforms, frequencies, and other transducing elements, taking medicine far beyond current biology and technology.
Bringing Physics to Life
Chambers of light deep in the brain? Imagine an internal visual space as ground, a literal holographic theater of the mind, a laserium in the fluid-filled ventricles of the deep brain. We always have to remind ourselves to ask where the energy comes from. Physics defines the living organism as good as or better than biochemistry. Quantum process describes the organism and dynamics best. Energy makes discrete jumps from state to state.
Quantum physics and molecular biology are two disciplines that have evolved relatively independently. However, recently a wealth of evidence has demonstrated the importance of quantum mechanics for biological systems and thus a new field of quantum biology is emerging. Is there a biology of quantum information? Koichiro (2000) argues there is: “Novel biophysical methods resulting from the fusion of biology and quantum mechanics have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of both fields.”
Novel biophysical methods resulting from the fusion of biology and quantum mechanics have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of both fields. Living systems have mastered the making and breaking of chemical bonds, which are quantum mechanical phenomena. Absorbance of frequency specific radiation (e.g. photosynthesis and vision), conversion of chemical energy into mechanical motion (e.g. ATP cleavage) and single electron transfers through biological polymers (e.g. DNA or proteins) are all quantum mechanical effects.
A matter-wave is a disturbance of space foam, the dense grid-like structure. When disturbed, a resonance of the matter-wave is also a resonance in the electromagnetic field, the oscillation of electron waves. The electromotive force of light (virtual photons) drives an exchange observable in mitogenic radiation. State changes are a result virtual photon fluctuation. Mitogenic radiation acts as a coherent light laser in the infrared, UV, and visible frequencies.
Photons are discrete concentrations of massless energy emitted when electrons move from one energy state to another. Electrons demonstrate interference patterns like photons of light. Photons are the elementary unit or quantum of electromagnetic radiation. Much of the biophoton is virtual and scalar in dimension
Life is an electrodynamic process, and all electrodynamic processes are photon-dependent. Photons have spin 1 and they are therefore bosons. Photons mediate the electromagnetic field. They are the particles that enable other particles to interact with each other electromagnetically and with the electromagnetic field.
Bacteria and plants exploit quantum physics for excitation and are optimized to use light energy (light-harvesting) to drive their metabolic reactions. Humans don’t live by photosynthesis, but light is still a big factor in metabolism, circadian rhythms, reproduction, and perhaps other processes.
In the quantum holographic DNA-wave biocomputer theory, DNA is a self-calibrating antenna working by phase conjugate adaptive resonance. It is capable of both receiving and transmitting quantum holographic information stored in the form of diffraction patterns, quantum holograms.
The brain and senses are matter-wave systems, as is the structure of all Reality we know. The brain and body are wave-biocomputers (Gariaev). Growth of the brain may be related to a wave resonance that arises from a DNA wave system. The brain is essentially a resonance system.
Photonics deals with generating, controlling and detecting light. It plays a major role in sensing. The linings of the brain ventricles are essentially enfolded skin tissue, a sensing organ with similar sensitivities to those of the retina. Quantized lightwaves impinge on the retina, and likewise endogenous light may impinge on photoreceptors in the ventricle lining.
Scientists have witnessed an atom and a photon - a small packet of light - share the same information. Chris Monroe (3004) and colleagues from the University of Michigan used a cadmium atom trapped in an electric field to ‘store’ information about the atom's magnetic state. By pumping energy into the atom with a laser, they forced it to spit out a packet of light. That photon carried an imprint of the atom's information with it, which could be read by a detector.
The photon as a mobile bit of quantum information is called a ‘flying qubit’. Researchers have already entangled pairs of atoms, and pairs of photons. But this is the first time that scientists have seen a single atom entangled with a single photon.
The development of single photon sources and single photon counting detectors is driven by the emergence of many applications requiring such devices. These applications, such as quantum cryptography, quantum computation, correlated photon metrology, quantum imaging, quantum interferometry etc, comprise a new area of endeavor known as Quantum Information Technologies (QIT).
Particles found in biological processes include photons, electrons, protons, elementary ions, inorganic radicals, organic radicals, molecules, and molecular aggregates. Photons act upon electrons by raising their energy state. This process is called excitation.
Excited electrons can drop back to more stable energy levels and emit photons. Electron excitation can lead to the formation of an electronic bond between molecules. This is the traditional bond of classical chemistry. The breaking of such bonds can, by reverse process, lead to the excitation of electrons.
In living systems the excitation of electrons by photons and the subsequent conversion of that excitation into the bond energy is called photosynthesis and is the basic builder of biological structures. The reversal of this process is called bioluminescence. This phenomenon is the transfer of energy from a bond to an excited electron, resulting in the emission of a photon. It has been suggested by Szent-Gyorgyi (1957) that the energetics of living creatures can be understood in terms of photosynthesis and its reversal, bioluminescence.
Radiated photons are a type of electromagnetic signal. The photonic flux process may or may not only manipulate and guide photons but also convert photons into electrons and process the electrical signal. An ideal photonic material emits and modulates light efficiently. Photonics can ideally do an enormous amount of parallel processing, intelligent photonics. Signals may exceed visible and near infrared. Allan Frey showed microwave frequency auditory inputs in the human brain.
Cell photon emissions are well documented but have not yet been shown to carry information. Photons are known to be emitted from cells and may be physiologically functional as signal carriers. This phenomenon should not be confused with macroscopic bioluminescence, energy emission of which all cells are capable. Cell photon emissions occur at low ('weak' or 'ultraweak') intensities not detectable by the eye.
Our own eyes, like those of other vertebrates, have ciliary photoreceptors; so does the pineal "third eye", a structure that is buried in the brain and is involved in circadian rhythmicity, and which still, in lower vertebrates, functions directly as a photoreceptor.
Photon emissions span the visible spectrum and extend into the near ultraviolet. Emissions outside the visible spectrum may only loosely be termed 'light', but are included in that term in this context. According to Simanonok (2000), for a system of physiologically functional endogenous light to exist, at least four capabilities are required (others beyond these minimal four may of course exist):
Light signals must be generated and emitted from cells.
Emitted light signals must be transmitted to adjacent and/or distant cells.
Cells must be capable of receiving light signals.
Cells must be capable of transducing received light signals into processed information.
Collagen fibers function as fiber optics. Almost all nonmotile cells are interconnected by a network of collagen fibers, which makes up approximately half of the total protein content of a human body. Other fiber types such as elastin and intracellular matrixes of microtubules (especially those in neural axons) are also possible candidates for functional roles in a biophotic information exchange system (Hameroff).
Simanonok also suggests, it is well known that retinal photoreceptors are capable of capabilities 3 (receiving light) and 4 (processing light into information), which again may represent a functional specialization like macroscopic bioluminescence built upon more rudimentary capabilities of which many cells are capable.
Cerebral Photoreceptors
All biological material is photosensitive. What is less well known is that the lamellar structures of retinal photoreceptors are highly specialized cilia, and that ciliated cells are abundant in the brain. Do cilia possess rudimentary photoreceptive (and possibly waveguide) capabilities, which evolution has built upon to create photoreceptors?
This is a key question because much of the lining of the cerebral ventricles is ciliated (their function unknown). Ventricular ciliary beating could be affected by and become coordinated with the timing of neural activity. Thus, endogenous light is guided into dynamically resonant patterns in the ventricles and surrounding tissues, patterns involving energy loci which have feedback capability on neural events.
Dynamically resonant patterns of light within the brain may interact with a larger population of virtual photons filling space outside our normal frame of reference and support consciousness in the brain. This is a possible pathway for endogenous light patterns to holistically influence neural events, which in turn influence perception, thought, and behavior in resonant feedback loops.
Brain ventricles may do far more simply bathe the brain interior in buffering cerebrospinal fluid and remove wastes. The pineal gland sits in the middle of them, like some mystical island in an ambrosial lake. These curiously-shaped hollow chambers may form a resonant cavity for the light sensitive DMT producing pineal gland. Why else would the pineal both produce photic neurotransmitters (Melatonin; DMT) and be sensitive to light?
In Kriya Yoga, the 3rd Ventricle is called the Cave of Brahma. The thalamus gland forms its walls, the hypothalamus its floor and plexus of the third choroid ventricles its roof.
“The mighty Hamsa Soul then wins its Wings to Freedom, as the subtle fibers of his Corona Radiata light up with Divine effulgence he takes flight into Cosmic Consciousness. He then experiences the total Divinity of and beyond Creation, gaining the ultimate knowledge of 'Tat Tvam Asi' That Thou Art.”
Brain Holograms
The ventricles of the brain act as liquid crystals. The primordial brain ventricle forms when the embryonic neural tube closes. The embryo develops not by chemical law but energetic dynamics, where energetic fields dictate growth. Radiation emanates from living tissue; because of its effects on mitosis it is called mitogenic radiation. Mitogenic radiation has frequencies of 10(12 power) Hz. to 10(15 power) Hz., covering infrared through visible rays, bordering on ultraviolet.
Standing waves can be created that arise from vibrations in the ventricles. This creates a holographic frequency domain. Rhythm-entraining photoreceptors might be a second basis of bioholographic projection (besides DNA) in the resonant cavity ventricles. DNA produces mitogenic rays that can influence other cells.
The cavity of the neural tube may be considered a primordial ventricular cavity. It contains fluid that later will be termed cerebrospinal fluid. The secretion and absorption of this fluid now determines the pressure exerted on the neural tube. The opening of the optic vesicles into the ventricular cavity is semi-lunar at this stage. There are functional changes of these photoreceptors during pre- and postnatal development. They may be part of the process of embryonic holography.
Do these signals amplify in a resonant cavity as they do in modelocking in laser technology? One roundtrip of a modelocked laser is a single pulse (sometimes called a soliton) traveling back and forth inside the laser cavity. Each time the radiation passes through the saturable absorber, the highest intensity peak is reduced less than all of the others, so eventually just once peak oscillates back and forth in the cavity. It gets sharper and sharper as it bounces back and forth.
Modelocking is a method to obtainultrashort pulses from mode-locked lasers. Here, the laster cavity contains either an active element (an optical modulator) or a nonlinear passive element (a saturable absorber) which leads to the formation of an ultrashort pulse circulating in the laser cavity, in this analogy the ventricles.
Modelocking is a way of short pulse generation in which an optical pulse is repetitively reshaped as it circulates in the laser cavity. In the modelocking mode of operation a balance exists between mechanisms that tend to shorten and to widen the pulses. The aim is to find a configuration that delivers optical pulses with repetition rates in the GHz range, an active gain section and a passive cavity section. This becomes important because our bodies produce their own pulse dynamics.
Why are there nonvisual photoreceptors in the deep brain? They may do more than synchronizing internal clocks with the environment. The light-based entrainment of endogenous circadian clocks is present in various organs. Simanonok hypothesizes that photons emitted from cells in the brain are guided to the surfaces of the brain's fluid-filled ventricular spaces, where they interact with cilia lining those ventricles and are guided by the timed beating of the cilia so that the photons form interference patterns within the ventricular spaces, creating an interface.
The most ancient type of vertebrate nerve cells ("protoneurons"), CSF-contacting neurons are sensory-type cells sitting in the wall of the brain ventricles that send a ciliated dendritic process into the CSF. Various opsins and other members of the phototransduction cascade have been demonstrated in telencephalic and hypothalamic groups of these neurons. In all species examined so far, deep brain photoreceptors play a role in the circadian and circannual regulation of periodic functions. (Vigh, et al)
Altogether three phases were supposed to exist in pineal entrainment of internal pacemakers: an embryological synchronization by light and in viviparous vertebrates by maternal effects (1); a light-based, postnatal entrainment (2); and in adults, a maintenance of periodicity by daily sympathetic rhythm of the hypothalamus. In addition to its visual function, the lateral eye retina performs a nonvisual task.
Nonvisual retinal light perception primarily entrains genetically determined periodicity, such as EEG rhythms or retinomotor movements. It also influences the primary pacemaker of the brain. As neither rods nor cones seem to represent the nonvisual retinal photoreceptors, the presence of additional photoreceptors has been supposed. Opsins are good candidates for nonvisual photoreceptor molecules, evolving from nonvisual --> semivisual --> visual in vertebrates.
Signal Cascade
Photoreceptors share structural features with pineal photoreceptors and with certain invertebrate extraretinal photoreceptors, but they are morphologically and biochemically distinct from visual photoreceptors of the retina. (Grace et al). Opsins are light-sensitive protein/pigments for detecting certain wavelengths.
Opsins are responsible for the initial cellular reactions involving light perception. A series of molecular reactions within the cell, called a signal cascade. Each individual opsin complex can be thought of as a specific detector. All wavelengths of light fall upon the complex, but only a narrow range of wavelengths is relayed down the signal cascade.
Tuning the spectrum to a specific peak wavelength, this channeling of light by the opsin-chromophore complex is called "spectral tuning." The spectrum, consisting of a broad range of wavelengths of energy (x-ray, microwave, visible light, radio wave), is tuned to one peak wavelength by each opsin complex.
All photoreceptors (modified neurons) contain pigment molecules that absorb light. Encephalic photoreceptors may have undiscovered roles. Nonvisual photoreceptors of the deep brain and pineal organs may collect signals across the wall of the brain ventricles that send a ciliated dendritic process into the CSF, a specific waveform, even a standing wave or holographic interference pattern.
In nonmammalian vertebrates, photic cues that regulate the timing of seasonal reproductive cyclicity are detected by nonretinal, nonpineal deep brain photoreceptors. In birds there is direct communication between the brain photoreceptor and the reproductive axis.
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons and processes are scattered among photoreceptor cells. Brain photoreceptors communicate directly with GnRH-neurons; this represents a means by which photoperiodic information reaches the reproductive axis.
Opsins constitute a large family of proteins, some of which have recently been found in mammalian brains; we aren’t sure of their precise function. Many aspects of brain photoreception are understood. Encephalic photoreceptors are necessary and sufficient for the detection of changes in day length that determine seasonal reproductive readiness. The photic link between the brain sensory cells and the reproductive axis is achieved and unexpectedly reveal that the circadian system is not a necessary intermediary between the sensory and reproductive components.
Pulse Dynamics
Light created chemically by the pineal, or mechanically by the cilia are suggested signal carriers. Vibrational changes in the ventricles from resonating piezoelectrical vibrations from the heart have been demonstrated (Bentov). Vibrational changes in the photoreception complex of the ventricles can be generalized. Ordered water is another possible information channel, but here we are pursuing light.
Cranial Rhythms: The cranium has three major rhythmic pulsations that can be monitored. Cerebral spinal fluid moves with the fluctuation of the CRI (craniosacral rhythmical impulse). This reciprocation has a two-phase cycle, a tide-like phenomenon, flexion and extension.
1. Cardiovascular, 60 - 72 times per minute, this pulsation provides circulation throughout the cranium and the rest of the body.
2. Respiratory, 14 - 19 times per minute this rhythm provides oxygen to the vascular system.
3. CRI (cranial rhythmic impulse or craniosacral rhythmical impulse) 6 - 12 times per minute, this flexion/extension movement is synchronous with tension changes to the membrane, within the dural system. The CRI provides the main pumping motion to circulate the CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) and maintain the existence of the neurological
components of the CSF. When this takes place, the ventricles of the brain increase in volume and size.
These signals can be conducted to the gray matter of the cortex. CSF is produced in the ventricles. This CSF circulates across the entire surface of the central nervous system, then into the bloodstream. Phototransduction cascade molecules may be another signal pathway of photonic communication. Does this intracranially generated light support consciousness?
In the Effulgence of its Brilliance.
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