Is the Earth Driving Us Crazy? Flipping Out on Geomagnetism
Also see, Nexus Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 2 Feb/Mar ’05, Int’l; Mar/Apr ‘05 North America. “SIREN SONG OF THE EARTH: Investigating Vortex Theory & EM Signals with Ben Lonetree,” Ben Lonetree and Iona Miller, May 2004
Fluctuating geomagnetic effects lead to increased liminality and anomalous experiences. Field effects include hallucination and temporal lobe microseizures. As Earth’s field continues to weaken in certain areas, we can expect more reports of dramatic psychophysical phenomena emerging at an increasing rate.
Geomagnetic Field Effects,
Paranormal Potential & the Biophysics of Anomalous Experiences
By Iona Miller, March 2009
Earth's geomagnetic field intensity is dropping slowly but steadily. At some time in the distant future, Earth’s internal nuclear dynamo will stop spinning, melting magma, creating the aura of Earth’s geomagnetic field, and turn cold. The atmosphere will be relentlessly stripped away by the force of the solar winds, until our planet becomes a gamma ray bombarded husk like Mars. But long before that happens, we can expect normal reversals in the polarity of our magnetic field.
Geopsychopathology: The geomagnetic field fluctuates continually. The geodynamic model has fractal properties. Even minor fluctuations in earth fields are related to psychophysical anomalies in human beings. Geomagnetism underlies and perturbs the human brain, cognitive/affective and sense perceptions.
Turbulence & Polarity Transitions
PsiFi: Unexpected escalation of climate change demonstrates that perturbations in natural cycles can lead to cascades of cataclysmic change related to complex dynamics. Our climate is degrading much faster than most of us thought. One small change can disrupt a system already in motion, ultimately leading to cataclysmic results.
But, long before pole reversal-- or more accurately, geomagnetic reversal -- we might plausibly expect an amplification of experiential effects. Recognized phenomena might escalate in ratio with fluctuations even prior to ‘tipping points.’ Ecological cataclysm looms [Lovelock, 2009] and geomagnetic cataclysm is also a possibility.
Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable: Geomagnetic reversal is chaotic in nature. There is no way we can predict it. Yet, it is a normal pursuit of science to identify and extrapolate future scenarios, including geomorphology. The goal is to anticipate and mitigate effects on humanity and the biosphere. We are challenged not by single alterations but a complex confluence of unstable systems. This is not to say, “The End is coming,” but to identify phenomena, which might arise along the way to major earth changes.
Geomorphological systems containing bifurcations have both deterministic (universal and necessary) and probabilistic (historical happenstance) elements. They have more than one solution (configuration) and this fact calls into question notions of process domains leading to the development of characteristic forms. They possess varying degrees of susceptibility to change induced by fluctuations; and they respond differently to local, regional, and global fluctuations. Geomagnetic Field (GMF) is one of these parameters.
Global Field Effects
Fluctuating geomagnetic effects can lead to increased liminality and anomalous experiences by perturbing the human mindbody. Field effects include hallucinations and temporal lobe microseizures [Krippner and Persinger].
Tiny fluctuations can have dramatic effects. Some fluctuations are sudden and unexpected. If the GMF should destabilize, scientists tell us magnetic fields of flux both entering and flowing from the Earth would become much more randomized. That is not to say it will happen in our lifetimes, but that it can happen and surely will at some point in the future.
As Earth’s local and global fields continue to weaken, can we expect more reports of strange psychophysical phenomena emerging at an increasing rate? Known effects of geomagnetic pulsation include synesthesia, anomalous cognition and [lucid] dreams, psi events, and paranormal phenomena as well as heart attack, depression and suicidal tendencies.
Can ambient magnetic fields lead to disregulation of the mindbody creating magnetic hallucinations? Is our sanity at risk as the Earth’s field fluctuates more and more? Is Earth driving us crazy?
South Atlantic Anomaly
Incredible as it seems, the magnetic field occasionally flips over. Reversals are random events. But marked field fluctuations such as the South Atlantic anomaly (magnetic field intensity 60% of predicted value) precede them. In the last 20 years, the planet's magnetic field intensity has decreased by 1.7%, and in South Atlantic by 10%. In the last two hundred years, Earth's magnetic field decreased 10% in intensity.
The South Atlantic Anomaly (SSA) is above South America, about 200 - 300 kilometers off the coast of Brazil, extending over much of South America and the nearby portion of the Van Allen Belt. It is a weak spot in the geomagnetic field, Earth’s protective bubble. The envelope here is 1/3 of normal. As the geomagnetic field continues to weaken, the inner Van Allen belt gets closer to the Earth, with a related enlargement of the SAA at given altitudes. (Hsu)
Sudden fluid motions within the Earth's core can alter the magnetic envelope around our planet. Researchers have just begun to detect such rapid magnetic field changes taking place over just a few months.
The last major reversal in the field took place about 780,000 years ago. A flip in the north and south poles typically involves a weakening in the magnetic field, followed by a period of rapid recovery and reorganization of opposite polarity. Some studies in recent years have suggested the next reversal might be imminent, but the jury is still out. Weakening of Earth's overall magnetic field by10 percent over the past 150 years might also point to an upcoming field reversal.
Earth Is A Dynamo
Earth itself acts as a magnet. The Earth's magnetic field extends about 36,000 miles (58,000 km) into space, generated from the spinning effect of the electrically conductive core that acts something like a giant electromagnet. In ancient times, the field was 20 times stronger.Movement of the liquid and the solid parts of the Earth's core generate an electric potential, making the planet a sort of an electric generator. We have evolved in the presence of this magnetic field, the magnetosphere that also protects us from solar radiation.
But the evidence of deep time shows the geomagnetic field changes rapidly and frequently. Paleomagnetic records show that the dipole polarity of the geomagnetic field has reversed many times in the past. The mean time between reversals is roughly 200,000 years with individual reversal events taking only a couple thousand years.
Convection in the fluid outer core is continually trying to reverse the field. However, the solid inner core inhibits magnetic reversals because the field in the inner core can only change on the much longer time scale of diffusion. Only once in many attempts is a reversal successful. This is probably the reason the times between reversals of the Earth's field are long and randomly distributed.
Considerable literature exists on the biological effects of magnetic fields. Organisms respond to natural and artificial magnetic fields of various intensities, frequencies and directions. Geomagnetic fields are also influential in mass extinction events. Field deprivation and geomagnetic field variations can produce anomalous psychophysical effects. The geomagnetic field modulates biological and artificial magnetic fields.
The magnetosophere is a highly stable field constantly bombarded by energetically charged solar particles (solar wind). Normally, some days are magnetically stormy, while others are calm. Earth's magnetic field is currently changing dramatically as part of its normal cyclic behavior. Is the observed decrease of the dipole moment indicating a future polarity transition? What would be the effects of such a drastic change on system Earth? What positive or negative effects on our biosphere or even humans can be expected?
Affected by weather, the Moon and sunspots, regular daily and monthly fluctuations occur in the Geomagnetic Field (GMF). Fluctuations in the level of the GMF, a quasi-static magnetic field, and geomagnetic storms have been associated with a number of health effects and disorders in scientific literature for more than 50 years. Changes in the geomagnetic field have deviated from the predictions of the original International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) coefficients.
“Geomagnetic field: when will compass fail?”
Scientists from the Institute for Geomagnetism at the Russian Academy of Sciences say the Earth's magnet poles are gradually drifting towards the Equator, with the field intensity falling slowly, but steadily. The latter reaches zero point in about 2,000 years, which would be a disaster for living organisms. The rate of changes happening to the planet's liquid core, however, could mean that the polarity shift is going to happen much sooner.
If a hundred years ago somebody said that the South and the North could switch places, he would be definitely taken to a mental hospital. Nevertheless, as early as 1906, it was revealed that in the past magnetization of some rocks was opposite to that of the present day, making it clear that some time ago it was different from the modern time.
In 2001, an international polar expedition revealed that in the recent seven years the North magnetic pole shifted around 300 km (186.4 miles). Currently, it is drifting 40 km (24.85 miles) a year from the Canadian Arctic shelf towards Russia's Severnaya Zemlya islands. Scientists predict the North Pole could eventually be found in South Atlantic. An extensive anomaly area with the magnetic field intensity at around 60% of the predicted value shows the forecast is likely to score.
What is the danger, after all? Russian scientists say changes in the magnetic field would lead to the anti-radiation protection falling, with space flights becoming impossible and energy-dependent systems, including mobile phones and satellites, failing. Then, solar and space radiation would affect the genome of the organisms inhabiting the Earth, causing some of them to become extinct, and others to have a much larger per cent of mutations. Taking into account the solar flares, accompanied by extremely powerful electrojet currents, life is likely to become impossible on Earth before the full magnetic field collapses.
Sounds terrible. But may be there's no need to dramatize and we will not face giant bloodthirsty killer ants from Hollywood horror movies? May be. Recent reports say that in the last 90 million years, the magnetic poles changed around every 500,000 years, with no total extinction of mass genetic mutations of living organisms taking place and the atmosphere remaining a reliable guarantor of security of the Earth's biosphere.
On the other hand, scientists haven't established so far, if the changes happening to the geomagnetic field are reversible. Nobody has ever found out why the Earth's history has seen times when the magnetic poles remained unshifted as long as 50 million years.
Pole Reversal
We know about pole shift from an examination of the geological record -- the magnetic poles reverse. Valkovic links massive faunal extinctions with polarity reversals in earth’s geomagnetic field. He assumed that the concentration factor for essential trace elements is dependent on the magnetic field .
When lavas are deposited on the Earth’s surface, and subsequently freeze, and when sediments are deposited on ocean and lake bottoms, and subsequently solidify, they often preserve a signature of the ambient magnetic field at the time of deposition. This type of magnetization is known as 'paleomagnetism'.
Careful measurements of oriented samples of faintly magnetized rocks taken from many geographical sites allow scientists to work out the geological history of the magnetic field. We can tell, for example, that the Earth has had a magnetic field for at least 3.5 billion years, and that the field has always exhibited a certain amount of time-dependence, part of which is normal secular variation, like that which we observe today. Part of the cycle is an occasional reversal of polarity; the magnetic field occasionally flips over!
The geomagnetic poles are currently roughly coincident with the geographic poles, because the rotation of the Earth is an important dynamical force in the core, where the main part of the field is generated. Occasionally, however, the secular variation becomes sufficiently large such that the magnetic poles end up being located rather distantly from the geographic poles. The poles have undergone an ‘excursion’ from their preferred state.
Now, we know from physics that the Earth’s dynamo is just as capable of generating a magnetic field with a polarity like that which we have today, as it is capable of generating a field with the opposite polarity. The dynamo has no preference for a particular polarity. Therefore, after an excursional period of enhanced secular variation, the magnetic field, upon returning to its usual state of rough alignment with the Earth’s rotational axis, could just as easily have one polarity as another.
The consequences of polarity reversals for the compass are dramatic. Nowadays, the compass points roughly north, or, more precisely, the north end of the compass points roughly north at most geographical locations.
However 780,000 years ago, the polarity was reversed, so a hypothetical compass pointed roughly south. Before that reversed state the polarity was like that which we have today, and the compass would have pointed roughly north, and so on. The timings of reversals forms the so-called 'geomagnetic polarity timescale'.
During a reversal, between polarities, the geometry of the magnetic field is much more complicated than it is now, and a compass could point in almost any direction depending on one’s location on the Earth and the exact form of the mid-transitional magnetic field. One of the things that are interesting about reversals is that there is no apparent periodicity to their occurrence. Reversals are random events. They can happen as often as every 10 thousand years or so, and as infrequently as every 50 million years or more.
Human Effects
We know that the iron core of our earth vibrates at 40 Hertz (40 pulses per second.) Our earth's crust has a different vibrational speed at around 7.5 Hertz. When we are at the height of our brain activity we record roughly 40 Hertz and a 7.5 Hertz low brain activity. This draws a direct correlation between the earth’s core environment at its height and our brain activity at its height. Also the earth's outer crust environment pulse rate and our low end brain function.
Rhythmically changing electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields are ubiquitous in our environment. Some of these fields are natural; others are produced by household appliances and technologies. Many people are adversely affected by natural and/or artificial energy fields (clinically termed weather or electromagnetic sensitivity). Often affected individuals do not recognize the sources of their ailments.
There is positive correlation between EEG and geomagnetic activity. Disturbances in geomagnetic fields (e.g. caused by solar and terrestrial magnetic storms) have been correlated with the onset of a variety of disorders, including heart attacks, increased blood pressure, seizures and strokes. Also, decreases in nocturnal melatonin, enhanced anxiety, heart rate, sleep disturbance, psychiatric admissions (Persinger), light sensitivity, SIDS, depression, suicide and sudden death.
Persinger has conclusively demonstrated that electromagnetic fields can trigger mini-seizures. Geomagnetic fluctuations have been studied in this regard. Abnormalities in the temporal lobes (TLE) caused by genetics, injury, or infections can lead to amplification of "spiritual" characteristics in the personality.
Are some people predisposed to psychism, mystical visions, or religious zeal? What lies at the root of the personality driven to pursue the spiritual quest, often characterized as a “seeker”? How does one come by an intensely personal, even idiosyncratic relationship with gods or demons, aliens or nature spirits? Are we hardwired for religious beliefs? Or do some of us just have more magnetite in our bodies?
Temporal lobe seizures mimic or perhaps even embody certain essentially religious experiences. This tendency may be reinforced by a kindling process potentiating pathways to the amygdala and other parts of the brain. Emotional tone and multisensory content of these experiences is dependent on which lobe and portion of the temporal lobes become unstable and subject to seizures, clinical or sub-clinical.
The phenomena which appear pathologically in TLE can also appear in the general population, and are often even encouraged by the practice of meditation. The union of brain science and theology is called neurotheology, which studies all related religious and spiritual phenomena and their neurological roots. We might also look to the magnetic environment for subtle triggers. (Miller, 2003, )
We can conjecture that if magnetic force is strong enough, TLTs can be kindled in normal individuals. Among the most electrically unstable portions of the brain, the temporal lobes are quite sensitive to extremely low magnetic frequencies (Persinger). Persinger has tickled the temporal lobes of enough individuals to define the parameters of electromagnetic shifts on brain function. Medical use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to relieve psychological symptoms such as depression indicates that the mind may be an electromagnetic field.
There is a continuum of temporal lobe lability or sensitivity, and even normal individuals have sub-clinical microseizures frequently, particularly during REM or dreams. The full-blown effects of such electrical storms are seen in petit mal and grand mal seizures of epilepsy.
Epileptic seizures propagate across the brain through a process called “kindling.” Nerve signals are amplified exponentially, resulting in a chaotic electrical storm that can entrain more than one brain area. For example, in temporal lobe epilepsy, spreading includes the temporal lobe, underlying limbic structures and hippocampus; all of them fire in an overexcited manner, especially if serotonin levels are low.
Epilepsy is triggered by different parts of the brain. Behavioral changes immediately preceding an epileptic seizure indicate what portion of the brain is the focus of the seizure. Electrical lability, or seizures in the temporal lobes do not usually cause physical convulsions, unless they propagate to the motor regions.
Not all those with intense spiritual experiences have temporal lobe epilepsy. Meditators often sit for years before experiencing the slightest tingles or visions of light. But often once manifestations begin, they increase in frequency and tend to stabilize. They can come as sounds, smells, intense feeling, visionary landscapes or forms of living entities, or amorphous lights. These inner experiences feel as real or seem more real than external perception.
The temporal lobes host many structures and functions including memory, orientation of self in space and time, interpretations of meaning and emotional significance, organization of audio and visual patterns, smell, and language. Local discharges can be potentiated by specific memory recall or extremely low biofrequency magnetic fields penetrating brain tissue.
Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is accompanied by classic personality changes. Though some researchers disagree, attributed characteristics include the following: loss of humor; intense affect; moodswings (peaks or highs, depressions, distortions, aggression); suggestibility; existential anxiety; neophobia; hypergraphia; an intense active interest in dreams, religion and philosophy; reports of psi experiences. Supreme faith is placed in the validity of subjective experience. Unusual experiences are assigned special personal meaning. They accept logical incongruities, displaying a rigid core of private beliefs.
This later spiritual interest can be rooted in subjective experiences of a variety of phenomena kindled by electrical instabilities in the brain. They include, but are not limited to depersonalization, time distortion, anxiety or panic, floating or falling sensations, peripheral imagery, a sense of presence either sacred or malefic, apparitions, downloading of memory sequences and false memory confabulations or fantasies, voices and visionary experiences ranging from heavenly to hellish, and a panoply of psychophysical manifestations.
Psi Is a Geomagnetic Field Correlate
Paranormal experiences (sensed presence, time distortion, information acquisition, death crisis, eccentric thinking) can be "induced" by a variety of fields. They are associated with geomagnetic activity or lack of it and neuronal activity of the temporal lobes. Sources of stimuli range from chaotic activity to field effects. Paranormal beliefs are related to paranormal experiences, often substituting for traditional religious beliefs.
We live in a dense soup of natural and artificial magnetic fields induced by electric charges moving through electric fields. Each event we experience as humans is centered in its own electromagnetic field. Psi phenomena [healing, telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, remote viewing, psychokinesis, poltergeists, hauntings] are complex field effects. A field is a matrix, a region of influence that invisibly connects two or more points in space or time with visible, informational or energetic effects.
A 1991 article in Bioelectromagnetics Magazine is called, "The Solar Wind and Hallucinations, --a possible relation due to magnetic disturbances.” Walter and Steffani Randall recount breakthrough research showing psychophysical correlations with increased GMF (geomagnetic field) periods. Data from the 19th century on hallucinations and magnetic disturbances were found to exhibit a direct and statistically significant correlation. Magnetic influences on the pineal hormone, melatonin, are suggested as a possible source of variation.
Geomagnetic activity is related to mental activity. Research suggests lower geomagnetic activity correlates with increased psi activity such as telepathy and anomalous dreams. Conversely, magnetically stormy days correlate with violent crime, bereavement hallucinations, (sleep) paralysis episodes, psychokinesis and poltergeist phenomena.
This nonlocal field may be enhanced or disrupted by a variety of environmental conditions [Krippner, Persinger, Spottiswoode, McTaggart, Lazslo]. Bursts of creativity in all cultural forms flourish in years of highest solar activity. The same covariance was found between hallucinations and magnetic disturbances.
Geomagnetic Field effects have yet to be conclusively demonstrated. Do geomagnetic fields carry psi information or effect the modulation of brainwave activity? We might suspect field coherence or resonance phenomena. Is this field phenomenon more perceptible in shamanic or altered states of consciousness?
In "Geomagnetic Field Effects in Anomalous Dreams and the Akashic Field," Krippner reports a relationship between geomagnetic fluctuations, lunar cycle, and sunspot activity with anomalous dreams, including telepathic, clairvoyant and precognitive content. Other factors, including the holographic mechanism (vacuum wave interference patterns) of the nonlocal zero-point field may also be influential. In psi tests, "hits" and "misses" are statistically significant relative to geomagnetic fields.
S. James P. Spottiswoode (1997) summarizes in “Geomagnetic fluctuations and free-response anomalous cognition: a new understanding,” as follows:
For some years there has been speculation that anomalous cognition (AC) performance may be correlated with global geomagnetic field (GMF) fluctuations. This idea arose from the work of Persinger (e.g., Persinger & Schout, 1988), who found that anecdotal cases of putative AC occurred on days when GMF fluctuations were significantly lower than on the preceding and following days. Many workers have investigated whether or not this interesting observation could be extended to laboratory anomalous cognition, but with mixed results.
Tart (1988) and Persinger and Krippner (1989) found an association between high-scoring AC trials and low GMF fluctuations, while Haraldsson and Gissurarson (1987) and Nelson and Dunne (1986) did not. In an unpublished meta-analysis, this author collected 1,468 free-response trials from 21 studies, reasoning that the effect, if it existed, would be most easily detected in a large database with high effect size; in fact, the overall correlation was a disappointing -0.0002 (Spearman's [Rho], N = 1,468, ns). The first step to understanding the physics of anomalous cognition will probably be the discovery of physical variables that unambiguously modulate the effect.
Persinger has experimented with weak complex, time-varying magnetic fields applied to the brains of human subjects. Some people are more susceptible to field variance than others. This application has been dubbed EIF or Experience Inducing Fields. Not all magnetic anomalies have implications for experience. Ambient geomagnetic fields are usually considered too weak to initiate but always undergird anomalous events, including hallucination. Neural entrainment confuses the brain into hallucinations it accepts as sensory information). EIF’s are fluctuations on top of the local dynamic field.
Visual hallucinations include circles, ellipses and triangles. Persinger conjectures that geomagnetic activity may enhance the receptivity of the brain to extrasensory signals, noting in particular that sudden decreases in geomagnetic activity may decrease the likelihood of certain types of electrical seizures in the brain. Persinger contends that increases in geomagnetic activity tend to lower seizure thresholds and may even precipitate convulsions in epileptics.
Some scientists (e.g., Radin, McAlpine & Cunningham, 1994; and Adair, 1991) have, however, expressed skepticism that changes in the geomagnetic field would have sufficient strength to produce any physiological effects on the human body at all. As a second possibility, Persinger suggests that lowered geomagnetic activity might enhance the signal carrying the ESP message, which he has speculated may consist in part of extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation.
Adrian Ryan [2008] reports,
Geomagnetic field measurements were collected from the SAMNET array of magnetometers in Northern Europe. Measurements were selected from the nearest operating magnetometer at the time of each ESP trial; the mean distance between magnetometer and ESP trial location was 126 km (minimum 2 km, maximum 261 km). The sampling interval was 5 seconds until mid-November 1995 and 1 second thereafter. The amplitude resolution of the measurements is 0.1 nT. The field measurements were converted by fast Fourier transform into power within five frequency bands. Pulsations with frequency > 0.1 Hz were found to be highly geographically localized, therefore data for these frequency bands were discarded for all but the 99 remote viewing trials conducted at in York, for which the magnetometer was also located in York.
Two patterns were observed: ESP was found to succeed only during periods of enhanced pulsation activity within the 0.2-0.5 Hz band, but ESP effect was absent during the most disturbed periods of activity in the 0.025-0.1 Hz band.
Analysis of the continuous record of geomagnetic field measurements between November 1996 and March 2005 revealed that activity in the 0.025-0.1 Hz range is strongly correlated with the global index of geomagnetic activity ap, but no such relationship exists between activity in the 0.2-0.5 Hz band and ap, which may account for the overall slight negative correlation between ESP and ap reported in the literature.
As each frequency band of geomagnetic pulsation exhibits distinct seasonal and/or interacting seasonal/daily variation, they make excellent candidates for explaining the associations between ESP and LST that have been reported in the literature. To explore this possibility, the ESP effect size for trials in the database was plotted by LST; the resultant pattern was similar to that found by Spottiswoode (1997a, 1997b). Modeling revealed that this shape was partially attributable to the pattern of ESP results by pulsation activity in the 0.2-0.5 Hz band.
Vortex Phenomena
Naturally occurring electromagnetic waves entrain human brainwaves. Unusual magnetic areas – “hotspots” -- provide mini-laboratories for investigating anomalous geomagnetic effects. They have been honored or feared by primal peoples from the dawn of time. Magnetic vortexes, such as those found in the iron-rich soil of Sedona, Southern Oregon and elsewhere are places where unusual electromagnetic phenomena abound.
These hotspot areas of subtle earth energies often have a deep base of crystalline rock. Ten percent of the earth's total magnetic field fluctuates significantly over decade time scales, apparently reflecting the unsteady exchange of angular momentum between the core and the mantle in the velocity field.
Initially a skeptic, electrical engineer, Ben Lonetree <> describes iron-rich soil as “focusing” non-dipole geomagnetism that exhibits upward and downward motion. This is a Vortex. Lonetree was able to conclusively demonstrate what others have long conjectured.
[more at ]
During a vortex event, monitoring equipment detects no N-S polarity. Compass instabilities plus upswing and downswing in field intensity can indicate vortex activity. You can catch a vortex in the act of dramatically increasing local field activity by orders of magnitude. Lonetree calls this a “Sudden Magnetic Impulse event.”
When the event passes, a compass will once again behave normally as outflow or inflow ceases. Lonetree has verified his readings by observing Schumann Resonances (SR), difficult to filter from ambient, artificial electronic noise or “smog.” He uses one computer to monitor SR and another to monitor magnetic intensity. Lonetree also makes it clear, despite the pseudo-science assertions of others, that SR is not rising, as his longterm readings clearly show.
Lonetree made observations, locally and globally, of Schumann Resonances in various areas of Arizona to see if distinctions emerged in the vortex hotspots. Schumann Resonance is 20,000 times less in intensity than the earth’s magnetic field. The SR pulse acts as a "driver" of our brains and might also potentially carry information. Entrainment is a process of synchronization where vibrations cause an object to oscillate at the same rate, affecting psychology and physiology.
He generated spectrographs to, “provide a point of reference to discuss and demonstrate Geomagnetic affects on the first resonance." Each of the seven Schumann Resonances occupies a bandwidth of 1 Hz. In other words, each of the resonances is 1 Hz. wide: 7.83 Hz, 14 Hz, 21 Hz, 26 Hz, 33 Hz, 39 Hz, and 45 Hz.
“Vortex Action” increases the intensity (strength) of correlated SR readings. For example, the 7.83 Hz Resonance increases in strength relative to that of the vortex event. The peak of the magnetic amplitude is coincidental with the peak of SR amplitude.
Certain geophysical conditions also function like amplifiers and speakers, making the natural electromagnetic ‘voice’ of the planet louder. Lonetree’s gut-feeling is that these are not waves of electromagnetic energy, but rather a gentle oscillation of the Earth’s magnetosphere.
This frequency also happens to fall between two of the human brainwaves, Alpha and Theta. There are four altogether: Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Theta. When our brain is functioning restfully in the predominantly alpha/theta zone, we become more relaxed or peaceful. The human brain acts like an electrical circuit called a phase-lock loop. A local external (outside the body) electromagnetic signal, as long as it is stronger than our brainwaves, initiates a resonance effect where the brain locks onto and resonates at that frequency.
Inflow and outflow are intermittent with typical events lasting 90 seconds to 2 minutes – a spike in magnetic activity. Twisted, rotating spiral or circular lines of magnetic force enter and emerge from the earth in specific local areas. They can be monitored electronically with Fluxgate detectors, induction coils or proton precession magnetometers, measuring the strength and direction of the local field.
Vortex activity causes trees to grow in gnarled and twisted patterns, creating other observational and perceptual clues to their existence, beyond the subjective. They are also purported to have unique psychophysical effects on certain individuals, mostly relevant to health and well-being.
We are complex electrodynamic, rather than chemical beings. We are subject to natural and artificial EM fields. SR frequencies coincide with human brain waves. There is a strong correlation between human behavioral disturbance or enhancement and geomagnetic field turbulence.
Hot Spot Alpha
Up-flow Vortexes are said to boost healing, creativity, visions, spiritual skills, exhilaration, and expand consciousness. Many claim to experience increases in UFO sightings and presence. Places labeled as a magnetic vortex are areas of inflow energy. Some claim an area labeled an electric vortex is an area of up-flow energy.
Lonetree laudes the virtues of magnetically-supercharged brainwave entrainment. With his spectrographic evidence, he knowledgeably declares, “Sitting on top of a magnetic outflow while the first Schumann Resonance promotes a state of Alpha / Theta is an experience you will never forget!”
What's New with My Subject?
ADAMS, M.H. (1986). Variability in remote-viewing performance: Possible relationship to the geomagnetic field. In D.H. Weiner & D.I. Radin (Eds.), Research in parapsychology, 1985 (p.25). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press.
ALDRICH, T. E., ANDREWS, K. W. AND LIBOFF, A. R., 2001. Brain cancer risk and electromagnetic fields (EMFs): Assessing the geomagnetic component. Archives of Environmental Health, 56 (4) , 314-319
BARTSCH, H., BARTSCH, C., MECKE, D. AND LIPPERT, T. H., 1994. Seasonality of pineal melatonin production in the rat: Possible synchronization by the geomagnetic field. Chronobiology International, 11 (1), 21-26.
BELOV, D. R., KANUNIKOV, I. E. AND KISELEV B. V., 1998. Dependence of Human EEG spatial syncrhonization on the Geomagnetic Activity on the Day of Experiment. [article in Russian]. Ross Fiziol Zh Im I M Sechenova, 84 (8), 761-774.
BERGIANNAKI, J.-D., PAPARRIGOPOULOS, T. J. AND STEFANIS, C. N., 1996. Seasonal pattern of melatonin excretion inhumans: relationship to day length variation rate and geomagnetic field fluctuations. Experientia, 52, 253-258.
DIMITROVA, S., STOILOVA, I. AND CHOLAKOV, I., 2004. Influence of local Geomagnetic Storms on Arterial Blood Pressure. Bioelectromagnetics, 25, 408-414.
FEIGIN, V. L., NIKITIN, YU, P. AND VINOGRADOVA, T. E., 1997. Solar and geomagnetic activities: Are there associations with stroke occurrence? Cerebrovascular Diseases, 7, 345-348.
GOLDWATER, P. N., 2003. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: a critical review of approaches to research. Arch. Dis. Child., 88: 1095-1100.
GORDON, C. AND BERK, M., 2003. The effect of geomagnetic storms on suicide. S Afr Psychiatry Rev 6, 24-27.
KAY, R. W., 1994. Geomagnetic Storms: Association with Incidence of Depression as Measured by Hospital Admissions. Brit J Psychiatr, 164: 403-409.
HSU, JEREMY, (2008), “Sloshing Inside Earth Changes Protective Magnetic Field” "There are these changes in the South Atlantic, an area where the magnetic field has the smallest envelope at one third [of what is] normal," said Mioara Mandea, a geophysicist at the GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences in Potsdam, Germany.
KRIPPNER, STANLEY, “The Akashic Field and Psychic Dreams” - Persinger conducted an analysis of reports of telepathy and clairvoyance from a popular magazine. He found that these reported experiences were more likely to occur when the global geomagnetic activity was significantly quieter than the days before or the days after the experience. A day characterized by slow, predictable variations in the field is referred to as a "quiet" magnetic day. These were the days that were associated with reports of telepathy and clairvoyance (Persinger, 1985). About the same time, Marcia Adams (1986) studied the relationship between quiet magnetic days with success in clairvoyance experiments that had been conducted in another laboratory, finding a positive connection. A day of sudden and large field changes is referred to as a magnetically stormy day. Persinger noted a tendency for reports of poltergeist and haunting experiences to occur on these days (Persinger, 1989). Psychokinesis (in other words, anomalous effects on distant objects or activity) has been studied in the laboratory under psi task conditions. One analysis of these experiments has indicated a tendency for them to occur most frequently on magnetically stormy days (Braud & Dennis, 1989).
Krippner, Stanley, “Geomagnetic field effects and anomalous dreams”
Krippner, S., & Persinger, M. (1996). Evidence for enhanced congruence between dreams and distant target material during periods of decreased geomagnetic activity. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10, 487 - 493.
Krippner, S., Vaughan, A., & Spottiswoode, S.J.P. (2000). Geomagnetic factors in subjective precognitive experiences. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 64, 109-118.
Lockman D (2002) Galvanizing ghosts: geomagnetic fields may be the culprit - Anomalous Experience
Lonetree, Ben and Iona Miller (2004), “SIREN SONG OF THE EARTH: Investigating Vortex Theory & EM Signals with Ben Lonetree,” Nexus Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 2 Feb/Mar ’05, Int’l; Mar/Apr ‘05 North America.
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