Glisten Up *
ABSTRACT: This holistic theoretical framework (physics, biology, philosophy) includes the idea that we are light-enabled technology, Photonic Humans. The mass of the physical body exists because there is some informational code of access to an unlimited source of energy mediated by Light. All mass is interaction. Related photic phenomena are described using the informational, material and energetic characteristics of existence, plus the complexity and entropy characteristics of dynamic development.
The organization of any biological system is established by a complex electrodynamic field which is, in part, determined by its subquantal components. This field, in turn, determines the behavior and orientation of of psychophysical being. DNA is our antenna. This dynamic is mediated initially through wave-based genomes where DNA functions as the holographic projector of the psychophysical system, a quantum biohologram. Supersymmetry points to a deep link between the quantum realm of particle physics and the quasi-classical realm of protein assembly.
An interdisciplinary spiritual meta-theory and correlation is also proposed. It seems we do literally come from sacred Light and Sound (Word, Logos) as many traditions assert. It is neither figurative nor metaphorical. Is space absolute and generative (a sea of virtual particles in the vacuum) or is it a generated domain (spacetime)? Are there veils of negative existence? Is the groundstate Consciousness, Sacred or Divine?
In the end there is just something Brilliant.
“Thermodynamics is the science of death, and quantum physics is the science of life.” ~Dr. Marshall F. Gilula, Neurologist and Psychiatrist, Miami
Worldviews and Scientific Models
All human cultures have a model of the universe (worldview). Primal societies embody their models in mythology and modern societies define their models with science. Science is a rational product of The Enlightenment but has had to loosen itself to some metaphysical notions in light of recent discoveries.
Newtonian science is entropic and based in the notion of objectivity; science is involved with the accurate specification of form. Even though quantum physics has captured the public imagination, in everyday life, most people are still stuck in either the Newtonian paradigm or religious paradigms, so the quantum paradigm gives us a useful bridge to a new relationship with reality.
Science now understands no objectivity is possible because of uncertainty, indeterminacy. Absolute space beyond the subatomic threshold of dynamic vacuum fluctuation is unobservable or measurable, and therefore metaphysical, beyond physics. Infinite energy density pervades the whole universe.
When it comes to discovery of the unified theory, physicists admit it’s a period of utter confusion on the quantum structure of space and time. That is worrisome because it is crucial to describing every force and particle in nature. Relativity is a flawed basis, being incompatible with quantum mechanics.
Quantum theory describes the realm of the very small - atoms, electrons and elementary particles - while general relativity deals with gravity. The two theories are immensely successful in their separate spheres. The clash arises when it comes to describing the basic structure of space. In general relativity, space-time is an active, malleable fabric. It has four dimensions - three of space and one of time - that deform when masses are placed in them.
In Einstein's formulation, the force of gravity is a result of the deformation of these dimensions. Quantum theory, on the other hand, demands that space is a fixed and passive stage, something simply there for particles to exist on. It also suggests that space itself must somehow be made up of discrete, quantum elements.
Paradigms serve important integrative psychological and social functions. They help us read the sacred pages in the Book of Nature. The previous page of pre-scientific wisdom traditions explored the same territory with spiritual technologies. Virtual photons and photons are the key to biology. Photons bridge the gap between physics, biology and philosophy.
We are evidence of that Brilliance.
Quantum Mechanics (QM)
The world around us looks classical even though the fundamental laws of physics are based on quantum mechanics. At the atomic level, electrons and protons are blurred entities that cannot be described as point-like particles following trajectories. But macroscopic objects have well defined properties: they are either here or there, and not everywhere. So how does the classical world arise from the quantum?
The consensus today is that classical behaviour is an emergent property of quantum systems, induced by their interaction with the environment. When quantum systems interact with the environment, classical properties emerge. This process is known as decoherence.
Decoherence makes most of the states of a quantum system unstable, so that only a small subset of all possible states, the 'pointer states', survive the interaction with the environment. So pointer states, dynamically selected by the environment, are the only ones in which macroscopic systems are allowed to exist. In the real world, pointer states are selected by nature.
Quantum principles exist in every bit of matter in this universe allowing QM to play a part in biology. The quantum level of functioning is the scale of activity and organization to which the principles of quantum mechanics are found applicable. Examples include electron excitation on the atomic scale and electron transport between molecules.
In the end there is only Brilliance.
No Theoretical Consensus in QM
The world around us looks classical even though the fundamental laws of physics are based on quantum mechanics. At the atomic level, electrons and protons are blurred entities that cannot be described as point-like particles following trajectories. But macroscopic objects have well defined properties: they are either here or there, and not everywhere.
So how does the classical world arise from the quantum? The consensus today is that classical behaviour is an emergent property of quantum systems, induced by their interaction with the environment.
Old models become obsolete when they no longer account for observations and must be revisioned with new meta-theory, new paradigms. How can we achieve model-locking when the basis of our science is in flux? There is no consensus in quantum physics; many theories compete as descriptions of Reality.
The Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (QM) competes with Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), Holographic, Monistic Idealism, Transactional, Post-Quantum, Scalar, Many Worlds (MWI), Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD), String and M-Theory, among others. The secret of Reality may lie in the reconciliation of quantum cosmology, aligning micro-and macroverses. Quantum chaos plays a crucial role in cosmology as choas theory and complexity do in biological systems.
How can we make our way through the not quite unified field to the Light of our essential being? Welcome to Virtual Reality. Continuous release and absorption of virtual particles is the deep nature of all matter.
The Zeno effect lies at the heart of quantum physics, which states that the energy of an atom moving between two energy states is somewhat uncertain and that (for short intervals) the uncertainty grows over time. For an atom to shift from one state to the other, the uncertainty must be large enough to bridge the two.
In the Effulgence of its Brilliance.
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
Quantum electrodynamics, commonly termed QED, is a quantum field theory of the electromagnetic force. QED is a thoroughly tested quantum field theory of electromagnetic radiation, the interaction of charged subatomic particles within electric and magnetic fields.
The quantum wave medium is formed from waves of all other matter. The quantum field theory approach visualizes the force between the electrons as an exchange force arising from the exchange of virtual photons. The QED theory describes the way that electrons interact with each other and with magnetic fields through the exchange of photons.
QED is an extremely complex theory, but can be linked to biology as we are considering the interchange of particles in a magnetic field, and also in the presence of gravitational and electrostatic fields. The field body is an organised, but enfolded, QED field that directs the interaction of the subatomic particles in the body with other matter and other fields.
Photonics. Technology is now trying to create artifical molecules on chips, using photon exchange for quantum computing in a process called photonics. This represents a new paradigm in which quantum optics experiments can be performed in a micro-chip electrical circuit using microwaves instead of visible photons and lasers. The ability to couple qubits to photons, demonstrated by the Yale group, could allow qubits on a chip to be wired together via a "quantum information bus" carrying single photons.
Quantum Field Theory
The form of quantum theory which applies to non-localised phenomena from classical physics such as electric and magnetic fields and sound waves is called quantum field theory (QFT). In this theory, the energy of the respective fields is 'quantised', so that it comes out in packets related to and depending on the frequency. The energy of electromagnetic fields is quantised into 'photons', and of pressure waves in any solid, liquid or gas (i.e. sound waves) into 'phonons' (as in phonograph, telephony etc.).
The quantum field theory approach visualizes the force between the electrons as an exchange force arising from the exchange of virtual photons. QED was the first successful quantum field theory, incorporating such ideas as particle creation and annihilation into a self-consistent framework. Both the heart and nervous system set up QED fields and help with information communication within the field body.
Quantum Electrodynamics is the extension of traditional thermodynamics that allows calculating the speed at which electrons radiate from a black hole. Consider a virtual electron-positron pair produced just outside the event horizon of a Black Hole. Once the pair is created, the intense curvature of space-time of the black hole can put energy into the pair. Thus the pair can become non-virtual; the electron does not fall back into the hole.
In a bath of photons, virtual photons escape into a photon field. The empty space in our bodies abounds with virtual particles and photons as theorized in QED. Subtle fields work in the “empty” parts of our bodies. If a virtual photon from one electron is absorbed by another electron, another photon is then absorbed by another, long-range forces can interact.
Quantic action is photon-dependent. Informational photons can account and be transmitted through large quantic systems. Such a system initiates with DNA. The electromagnetic radiation energy issuing from DNA is coherent. It's not scattered. DNA is a receiver and transmitter of laser light (Gariaev).
Quantum Holography defines an admitter/absorber quantum vacuum model of quantum mechanics in terms of annihilation/creation operators (Schempp, 1993). This implies that DNA does indeed behave like a single quantum, which induces a "hole" temporarily in the vacuum by its removal.
The emergent paradigm of self-organization permits the elaboration of a vision based on the interconnectedness of natural dynamics at all levels of evolving micro- and macrosystems. A new sense of meaning springs from such interconnectedness of the human world with overall evolution. It is leading us toward complex quantum biology and quantum medicine.
This theoretical framework includes the idea that we are light-enabled technology. The mass of the physical body exists because there is some informational code of access to an unlimited source of energy mediated by Light (subspace). Related photic phenomena are described using the informational, material and energetic characteristics of existence, plus the complexity (chaos theory) and entropy characteristics of dynamic development.
In the end there is just something Brilliant.
21st Century Field Body
New physics (hyperphysics) calls for new biology, new medicine, new technology. We need to revision ourselves fundamentally as HOMO LUMEN. At its most primal level, life is a quantum phenomenon. Quanta of light, photons are the building blocks of electromagnetic radiation. All electromagnetic radiation, from radio to gamma rays, is quantised as photons: that is, the smallest amount of electromagnetic radiation that can exist is one photon.
The field body is made up of overlapping electromagnetic, ionic and magnetic fields which sets up the overall quantum electrodynamic field (QED). If the field body is perturbed in any way, then this leads to deviations from optimal physical and emotional well-being. Chronic errors in the field body can lead to disease and serious illness. In Complementary Medicine, the field body is called the energy body.
Objects and organisms are generated by interaction of the quantum subatomic world and the environment. The form and dynamics of every living organism on this planet is controlled by a single molecule of DNA and its endogenous quantum fields. A typical molecule has many different energy levels. When a molecule absorbs a photon, its energy is increased by an amount equal to the energy of the photon. The molecule then enters an excited state. In a material, photons couple to the excitations of the medium and behave differently, such as converting to phonons, quanta of sound.
Quantum forces encourage transitions for biological molecules to self-assemble. In recent decades molecular biology research has begun to describe basic life processes in terms of elementary particles thus establishing a link to quantum chemistry and creating the new field of quantum biology. Quantum systems and natural selction drive evolution.
All biological phenomena, (mobility, metabolism, respiration, photosynthesis, replication and evolution), involves the motion of fundamental particles. These dynamics are governed, not by classical physics, but by the non-deterministic laws of quantum mechanics and information processing in the biological domain.
In quantum chemistry, the concept of virtual states was coined to describe the way the state in which a molecule is observed is just one of a manifold of empty states that it can access by quantum jumps. Virtual states are empty states; they are not real in a material sense. Rather, they are mathematical forms, patterns of order, or bits of information. Nevertheless, they exist in the sense that a molecule can make a transition to such a state, which then becomes real in the ordinary sense.
In both quantum physics and biology, the irreducible relation of the part to the whole is crucial. Biology borrows results from physics and chemistry to obtain explanations for biological phenomena, thus explaining them with some degree of quantitative accuracy. Nevertheless, the fact remains that quantum mechanics is precision- oriented and biology process-oriented, and that to some extent the two goals are incompatible with each other.
In the biological context the quantum vacuum state is represented by a specific vector in Hilbert space. It is interpreted as a specific collective mode of the system rather than as no oscillation at all. Particles correspond to various kinds of modulation of the special oscillation that corresponds to the vacuum state. The operators describing these modulations have the same interrelations with each other as do particle creation and annihilation operators in quantum field theory.
Quantum physics and molecular biology developed independently but there is a link at the functional level of ‘electric’ DNA, molecules, and organisms. There is some 'other' function, field or consciousness controlling the self-organizing biological systems present in the body, in addition to the biochemical and physical. There is a hypothesis that biological systems are quantum information processing based chemical and quantum computer designs.
Subjective consciousness is generated through an unusual property of quantum non-locality. Chaos and bifurcation serve to link quantum transactions to global brain dynamics through the fractal architecture and dynamics of the central nervous system. The resulting process operates at the boundary between quantum computation and wave-particle reduction, thus combining optimality and free-choice.
We begin by assuming that a quantum subsystem, such as an electron translates into what in the biological model is regarded as a signal. Quantum proccesses effect signal transduction. It is distinctly possible that quantum chaos expresses in biological systems right at the transition between the quantum and classical worlds. Chaotic systems may thus be able to amplify quantum effects into global fluctuations.
Quantum biology is developing its own agenda and technology. The living cell is an information replicating and processing system that is replete with naturally-evolved nanomachines, which at some level require a quantum mechanical description. As quantum engineering and nanotechnology meet, increasing use will be made of biological structures, or hybrids of biological and fabricated systems, for producing novel devices for information storage and processing, and other tasks. An understanding of these systems at a quantum mechanical level will be indispensable.
Matti Pitkanen, a Finnish theoretical physicist, has proposed that many theories in quantum physics can be applied to biological systems. He suggests that information transfer in biology takes place via a superconductive pathway, and that electrons and photons are the carriers of this information.
Only living systems emit biophotons. A biophoton signal is easily identifiable by its characteristic features. A biophoton signal is very sensitive to physiological and environmental changes. Its sensitivity is unpredictable and quite often shows some oscillatory components. The intensity of the signal increases during biological processes; the increase is much higher during mitosis and death. Biophotons hold the secret of life.
The mandatory requirement of photon signal in an entangled quantum state explains the non-classical features of biophoton signals. DNA replication and protein synthesis are essential for any biological processes and occur in all living systems all the time. As a result, biophoton emission is also ubiquitous and incessant.
Both biophoton and entangled photon signals demonstrate the quantum nature of photons and are experimental inputs. The non-classical features of biophoton signals highlights the limitations of molecular biology and cannot be accounted in the classical framework of photon emission.
The entangled photon signals exhibit quantum non-locality and provide channels for quantum information transfer. The observation of entangled states has stimulated investigations on the nature of reality and information, which are generating new knowledge and insights.
Nanotech. Electronic structure theory explains and predicts the properties of ordinary matter - atoms, molecules, and solids. Among these properties are the total energy and electron density, the set of equilibrium nuclear positions, the forces among atoms or groups of atoms, and the time evolution of the nuclear positions. This theory undergirds condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, and quantum biology, with important applications to materials, nano-technology, industrial chemical production, and medicine.
We are evidence of this Brilliance.
Holograms from Subspace
The subspace effect (virtual photon fluctuation) pervades the entire universe and permeates the particles of all life. The molecules making up a living organism are not subject to Brownian motion but are under quantum order. Virtual photons can be used to describe electrodynamic forces.
Electrons release virtual photons and then reabsorb virtual photons. All of these virtual particles come in and out of subspace. Virtual photons differ from actual photons in that the rest mass of a virtual photon is not zero; only zero rest-mass photons cannot escape and become actual photons.
The main difference between a real and a virtual photon is that the real photon does not violate the conservation law of mass and energy. A virtual photon, when created, avoids the law, via the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. But once created, if a virtual photon has no rest mass, it will have the appearance, feel and range of a real photon; thus infinity. So the human being, a virtual photon producer and absorber, is capable of reaching out to the stars and other planets via this virtual photon production. The effect reaches in and out of subspace with the effect of polymorphic resonance. (Nelson)
Real photons have energy equal to momentum times velocity of light (C). Virtual photons are photons whose energy is not equal to momentum times C. This constant release and absorption of what are known as virtual particles is happening at very great speeds within all matter. A sea of infrared photons is the basis of life/biology. All forms of energy, including the human organism, originate as light.
Quantum bioholography (Gariaev) shows that DNA literally produces coherent light, which transduces to sound that directs the formative processes of life. Radiant energy is radiant energy. A wave of light behaves as if it were a wave; it also behaves as if it were a series of quanta particles called photons.
Quantum nonlocality is directly related to laser radiation from chromosomes (coherent light), which jitterbugs its polarization plane to radiate or occlude photons. The Gariaev group discovered a wave-based genome and DNA phantom effect which strongly supports the holographic concept of reality (Miller, Webb, Dickson). This main information channel of DNA is the same for both photons and radio waves.
Physicist Matti Pitkanin says magnetic fields could play key role in the biological information processing if the quantum numbers of magnetic fields serve as carriers of bio-information. "Wormhole magnetic fields provide a quantum mechanism for a control at distance, say of the control of the behaviour of cell organelles by cell nucleus as well as a model for the memory of biosystem in terms of integer valued winding numbers identifiable as quantized momenta of the wormhole supra currents.
One of the basic problems of biology is how the genetic code is transformed into spatial structures during ontogeny, and an attractive idea is that each DNA sequence corresponds to a characteristic wormhole magnetic field configuration serving as a template for the topological condensation of the ordinary matter. The fact that wormhole flux tubes are hollow cylinders, is in nice accordance with this idea (microtubules, axonal membranes, etc. are hollow cylinders)."
Coherent wave phenomena can describe information exchange processes. Wave fronts that do not interfere with one another, the pulses of which are like soldiers marching in step on a rope bridge. If the timing of the soldiers’ steps resonates with the natural frequency of the bridge’s oscillation, the two motions reinforce one another. Coherent waves maintain their intensity by having their energy focused into a small area.
The coherent waves we associate with the DNA molecule are acoustically modified. The propagating medium actually serves to amplify and channel their energy into narrow layers of absorption in the surrounding environment. In the molecule’s transition from its normative to its critical state, coherent waves are generated which carry the signature of this transition to the surrounding environment. The absorption of these coherent waves at discrete phase boundaries (e.g., the cell membrane) releases sufficient energy stored at these boundaries which, upon entering the DNA molecule, catalyzes its return to the normative state.
Imagine the information pleroma, beyond energy and matter, as the source of all infinitely coherent light, “shining” itself into its own entropic womb where our temporo-spatial universe is given its life-potential as a single laser beam. Superposed coherent waves of different types in the cells interact to form diffraction patterns, firstly in the acoustic domain, secondly in the electromagnetic domain -- a quantum hologram -- a translation process between acoustical and optical holograms.
In the end there is just something Brilliant.
Quantum Evolution
Quantum selection. In quantum mechanical calculations, electrons in molecules are considered standing waves. The nature of these waves is that of probability fields, from which all molecular properties can be derived. In DNA mutations, the breaking and formation of chemical bonds is always a quantum process, which involves transitions between quantum states and cannot be understood in any other way.
Two aspects of this process are important. First, the quantum jumps into empty states are spontaneous; i.e., they are not caused by anything. Second, when a system jumps into a virtual state, the pattern of virtual order becomes actual, real order. There is determinism in this process only in that the pattern of order of a state is precisely determined by the conditions of the system, even before it becomes a real pattern. This simple process can serve as a model of how invisible and virtual, but pre-established order in the universe can be expressed spontaneously in the material world. In principle, the entire universe must be considered a quantum system with visible and virtual states.
In the case of DNA, a mutation is the transition from an actual state to a virtual state with a different nuclear distribution. The order that evolves is not from chaos and not from nothing, but from the actualization of virtual states whose order existed long before it was actualized, and mutations can occur spontaneously.
Mutations caused by mutagens are stimulated. Molecules also constantly undergo spontaneous transitions. Accordingly, mutations can occur spontaneously without external causes. Spontaneous mutations are uncaused, but they are not unbiased. Differences in transition probabilities will favor the selection of some states over others. This form of selection can be adequately termed quantum selection.
Obviously, quantum selection must exert some influence on how mutations occur. Thus, we must consider that, in addition to natural selection, evolutionary progression is affected by the quantum properties of the states involved in mutations. Statements that evolution cannot possibly be subject to any other factors than natural selection are unverified. To drive evolution, natural selection must work in tandem with quantum selection. (Schafer, 2002)
In the end there is just something Brilliant.
Life is Light; Light is Life
Quantum dynamics is energetic, photonic, magnetic and vibrational, in addition to chemical. For every shift in quantum levels photons (light) must be absorbed or released. Photon control is dictated by electromagnetic fields, which are critical to life. Cells receive and react to photons. Life is Light.
“What is Life” was the title of a 1944 work by Ervin Schrodinger, pioneer of quantum mechanics. When Schrodinger first speculated on the nature of life, there was a wide disconnect between physics and biology. No one knew the physical nature of a gene, the term molecular biology had yet to be invented, and many of the smartest scientists went into elementary particle physics. Quantum mechanical effects include superposition, coherence and entanglement. Much of the biosphere uses light-harvesting to drive its metabolic processes.
What is light? We still do not know, but it emanates from the quantum foam of subspace. We know only that it behaves in two different and apparently incompatible ways, each of which appears to be a valid way of conceptualizing light, neither of which is obviously the whole truth. Light and the electron are among the simplest things in the universe but are complicated.
Thermodynamics is the science of death, and quantum physics is the science of life. Biosystems are macroscopic quantum systems. Fundamental biological processes that involve the conversion of energy into forms that are usable for chemical transformations are quantum mechanical in nature. These processes involve chemical reactions including light absorption, formation of excited electronic states, transfer of excitation energy, transfer of electrons and protons, etc.
There is a subspace set or sets pervading and connecting the universe. There appears to be a unified field uniting all space sets. At least one level of this field is an expression of universal consciousness.
There is a pathway to interaction of directed thought consciousness possible through this subspace connection. Thus a conscious quantic system can affect another through interaction via subspace. This phenomena follows quantic rules and is thus non reproducible, non reductionistic, subtle effecting indeterminant systems by shifting probabilities (Nelson).
Our task of understanding ultimate reality, as distinct from the behavioral properties of quasi-reality, is equally complicated. Virtual photons and photons correlate with all biologicalal quantic change. Can we ever understand ourselves as photonic Beings with Photonic Minds in a Photonic Cosmos? We can begin to wrap our minds around a few of the “subatOMic”issues which mark us as “Photonic Humans”.
In the end there’s just something Brilliant.
Psychophysical Illumination
An interdisciplinary spiritual meta-theory and correlation is also proposed. Meditation masters speak of an inner Light that pervades the physical and energy bodies, and now science investigates it as biophotons. Through quantum physics we can watch matter/energy/information devolve back into the unstructured void from which potential emanates. Whether we look “objectively” outside into our environment or “subjectively” inside into ourselves we find primordial Light is the basis of existence.
Mystics have often equated this pervasive Light/Sound with primordial Consciousness and the source of life as well as matter. We are not concerned here with doctrine, but the reported phenomenology of meditation technology. Anecdotal self-reports of the experience of “Light” in meditation are ubiquitous. Under ideal conditions the body is a tuned spiritual resonator. Fortunately or unfortunately, when the mind goes exploring the only one it has a chance to explore is the psychobiological one that is there.
Light sustains all existence. It is not that we actively seek or “worship” Light, but that it is a phenomenological given when attention is focused inwardly in a conducive way, and “grace allows it”. These stories of “light experiences” have been hierarchically correlated in taxonomies of consciousness states. (J. C. Gowan; Tart; Grof; Wilber). Metaphorically, in the frequency domain, light has both an illuminative and reflective component.
We emerge through self-organization from the Void and to the Void we can return for renewal and sustenance. The Heart Sutra suggests, "Form is not other than Void; Void is not other than Form." Our human form is not other than this void, and biophysics now demonstrates this quantitatively and qualitatively. All of the potential information about the universe is holographically encoded in the spectrum of frequency patterns that constantly bombard us.
In the end there is just something Brilliant.
There is a fundamental relationship between EM fields and our lives. Our fieldbodies are our most essential nature. We don't stop at our skin boundary. We are part of a single fabric of reality connected by subatomic fields. We don't just resonate with them; we ARE them. Our essence mixes with and permeates other organisms and the cosmos.
For most of human history, healing has had to do with contact with spirit, with consciousness, with rituals intended to create a shared biofield with a shaman who seemingly could exert mind over matter. This spiritual technology has yielded to technological medicine governed by the rational protocols of science. But noting that medical intuition and therapeutic rapport are real forces in the healing process, many practitioners are moving toward a new paradigm or model of healing.
Anomalies such as the proven power of prayer, placebo effect, spontaneous remission, therapeutic intentionality, and remote healing hint that the irrational, the mysterious, is an inherent part of the natural healing process. When we become ill, the fundamental nature of consciousness is revealed as it relates to both mind and matter, psyche and soma. Consciousness may be more fundamental than either energy or matter, as the Vedas claimed centuries ago. At this sensitive threshold, miniscule changes in the situation can lead to large differences in the outcome.
We need to remold our healing institutions to conform with new physics to develop a contemporary understanding of the mind/body. A new model of the human organism is emerging - a holistic rather than mechanistic model that theorizes our basis in the quantum world; it means healing can happen in very subtle ways, perhaps even at the quantum level.
“Emergence” is the process by which order appears spontaneously within a system. It is essential to understanding functional consciousness, the mind/body, subjective experience, and the healing process. When many elements of a system mingle, they form patterns among themselves as they interact.
When the mind lets go of its rational order, lets the old form die, and enters into unstructured chaos, the whole person emerges with a new form, embodied as a creative expression, an intuition, or as healing. Most often it is characterized by an element of novelty and surprise, since it apparently does not originate in what came before. Both healing and medical intuition are examples of emergence. It is a spontaneous solution to a problem.
Google Marco Bischof
Kluwer Academic Publishers have just released the book "Integrative Biophysics - Biophotonics", edited by Fritz-Albert Popp and Lev Beloussov, which is based on the Summer school lectures held by the members of the International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, Germany, in September 2001. The contributions provide the most essential background and applications of biophotonics, a rapidly growing field of current scientific research and applications, based on the discovery of biophotons, a weak photon current emanating from all living systems. Biophotonics provides a powerful tool for the non-invasive investigation of living systems and its findings create the basis for a "integrative biophysics" concerned with the questions of regulation, communication and organization of biological systems. Marco Bischof has contributed a 115-page "Introduction to integrative biophysics" providing the historical and theoretical background for this new transdisciplinary field of biological science and delineating its foundations and its diverse aspects.
Biophotonics is a rapidly increasing field of current scientific research and applications, based on the discovery of biophotons, a permanent, weak photon current emanating from all living systems. The biophoton emission reflects some, if not all, of the essential biological and physiological activities in biological systems. Biophotonics provides a powerful tool for investigating these electromagnetic interactions. The theoretical approach requires holistic models of living systems, rather than local analytical models. Consequently, these new insights into living matter create a new basis of "integrative biophysics" that is concerned with the questions of regulation, communication and organization of biological systems.
PHOTODYNAMICS by Leanne Roffey Line
1. Can Morphogenesis be viewed as an Energy Complex?
It can, if we look at morphogenesis as the interaction of several other processes, like metabolism, anisotropy, and spacially-oriented focus. Modelling a biological mass into a well-defined and genetically conditioned form would take into account substantial substrate, mass transport mechanisms, and driving forces that are spatially-oriented, probably supporting general coordination. If we look at such things as mitosis, spatial differentiation and the influence of active forces appear to be there!
Like with crystals, anisotropy represents a full range of energy relationships (electrical, magnetic, thermal, mechanical, acoustic and optical). Such an anisotropy of forces might be genetically coded.
Fundamental elements of morphogenesis, like nucleic acids and proteins, are created metabolically. We can theorize that chemical forces exist which are responsible for the process, and that seems to be the easiest solution. One wonders if cells might become periodic emitting oscillators which could control the biological aggregate, causing chemical disturbance over time. (redox, redox, redox).
2. Do photons play a Morphogenic Role?
Photomorphogenesis has been accepted in botany, where the length of light waves correlate to specific influences in organisms. Such examples as phytochromic systems may be independent of photosynthesis, and serve the functions of absorbing reds and infrareds. Ultraviolet light has a morphologic influence as well, reaching into the construction of cells and resulting in modifications of subcellular structures.
3. Is there a Bioelectrical Context at work here?
In Morphodynamics, it seems both chemical and photonic energy must be involved. In biology, such may be the resule of interactions between photons and electrons in the protein substrate of a semiconductor -- modelling the structural proteins and permutable proteins like semiconductive environments, with electronic processes and chemical reactions resulting in photon phenomena.
In such a semiconductive environment, a quantum of light entering might result in photoelectric effects -- a pair, an electron and a hole, is created, as well as a state of excitation at lower energies. An electromotive force emerges, resulting from the photovoltaic effect and the diffusion of current carriers. Many opportunities for photon generation occur: fluorescent excitation, electron acceleration in an electric field, temporary emergence of paramagnetic centers, and emissions from spin relations. There may also be an acoustic reaction or the excitons. The idea of a biological or organic semiconductor is an intriguing one.
Sedlak's take on the subject was as follows:
"The interpretation that emerged already in the 19th century after the discoveries by Galvani, Volta, Svante-Arrehenius, Du Bois-Reymond, was focused in physiology especially on the electrical phenomena associated with life and as the result there emerged the electrochemical theory of these most intriguing processes, a theory respected to this day. But the biochemical and electrochemical model in biology is now a venerable centenarian, and the fundamental point that struck me is expressed in the question: is not modernization of biology imperative? If we have modernized chemistry into quantum chemistry, if there is already quantum biochemistry, if we have modernized Newtonian mechanics into quantum and wave mechanics, modernization of biology is bound to suggest itself, and precisely with regard to the most intriguing point of the connection between the chemical and the electrical processes. And both of these are incontrovertibly certain."
"We are in for this shock", An interview with Rev. Prof. Dr. Wlodzimierz Sedlak, Literatura, No. 2, 1978.
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